Police answered immigrant's call for help, then gave him to ICE

In Seattle, Wilson Rodriguez Macarreno and his family heard an intruder trespassing on their property in Tukwila. He decided to call 911 when he saw the trespasser. Police arrived on the scene and put Rodriguez in handcuffs after he gave them his ID for report purposes. The officers on the scene saw that he had an outstanding warrant when they ran his information. He was later taken to an ICE field in Seattle for processing. Records shows that Rodrigues is now being held at a detention facility in Tacoma, Washington waiting to be deported. His attorney also said that authorities denied his bond and would not allow his release under an ankle monitoring.

Rodriguez entered the United States from Honduras in 2004. He was fleeing violence that killed his family and friends. The article also talked about how Rodriguez works as a carpenter to support his family. The reason for his arrest was that ICE apprehended him in Texas in 2004, but Rodriguez missed his court date because he did not have an address to send the court notice. His attorney also said that Rodriguez had no criminal history.

In my opinion, the way this situation was handled by the authorities could make immigrants scared to call the police to report crimes that may happen. A simple 911 call to the police resulted in Rodriguez getting detained by ICE because he missed a court date back in 2004. These types of situations makes immigrants feel unsafe to ask for help because if they do, there is a chance that they can be deported back to their countries.



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