
Showing posts from February, 2018

California rejects immigration census question

California is trying to push back against the Trump administrations efforts to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. California's attorney general, Xavier Becerra and 18 other state attorneys general registered their opposition to the question. The justice department had asked the Census Bureau to include a citizenship question on the new census and Becerra disagrees. Becerra believes that the department is wrong when it argues that the addition would be "critical to the department's enforcement of section 2 of the Voting Rights Act." Berea and others wrote in a letter to the U.S. Commerce Secretary that the question would violate the U.S. Census Bureau obligations under the constitution because it requires "counting the whole number of persons in each state," not just citizens. The California Department of Justice is putting Trump on notice. The notice is that if the citizenship question is added to the 2020 census, then California is prepared to t

Citizenship Question on Census

Wednesday in class, we had a discussion about the census and what type of questions are going to be on the new one in 2020. The main question that a lot of people did not know what was going to be on the census is your citizenship status. In an article that I found, it talked about how the Trump administration are pressing for surveyors to ask the question, "Are you a United States citizen?". While I continued to read the article, it talked about how there is a fear in immigrants, even those who are in this country legally to not participate in any government questionnaire that could expose them, their family, or their friends to deportation. The article also talked about how the questions being asked would have broad ramifications, such as questions about public health. "But low response rates from any demographic group would undermine the validity of the next decade of health statistics and programs". To summarize the article, it basically says that yes, immigrant

Police answered immigrant's call for help, then gave him to ICE

In Seattle, Wilson Rodriguez Macarreno and his family heard an intruder trespassing on their property in Tukwila. He decided to call 911 when he saw the trespasser. Police arrived on the scene and put Rodriguez in handcuffs after he gave them his ID for report purposes. The officers on the scene saw that he had an outstanding warrant when they ran his information. He was later taken to an ICE field in Seattle for processing. Records shows that Rodrigues is now being held at a detention facility in Tacoma, Washington waiting to be deported. His attorney also said that authorities denied his bond and would not allow his release under an ankle monitoring. Rodriguez entered the United States from Honduras in 2004. He was fleeing violence that killed his family and friends. The article also talked about how Rodriguez works as a carpenter to support his family. The reason for his arrest was that ICE apprehended him in Texas in 2004, but Rodriguez missed his court date because he did not ha

Chief of staff calls immigrants afraid and lazy

Posted a couple of hours ago from the CNN website, the article explains that the chief of staff John F. Kelly suggested that immigrants who didn't sign up for DACA were "too afraid" or "too lazy". "There are 690,000 official DACA registrants and the President sent over what amounts to be two and a half times that number, to 1.8 million" he said on Capitol Hill. "The difference between 690 and 1.8 million were the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up, others would say were too lazy to get off their asses, but they didn't sign up" he added. The article also goes on to talk about how Trump will not extend the March 5th deadline he gave to Congress concerning the act on the DACA policy. "Mr. Obama established the program, and it was considered to be unconstitutional, not based on any law, so the extension, I'm not so sure the president, this president, has the authority to extend it" Kelly added. Reading this a