Arizona Supreme Court denies DACA students in-state tuition

Students in Arizona that are protected under DACA will no longer be eligible for in-state college tuition. The Supreme Court ruled this decision on Monday, 4/9/18. This decision will affect more than 2,000 students the article says, it will affect students in community colleges and three public universities. The fee changes will take effect immediately and in some cases, the fee will be triple the annual cost of attendance. Arizona DACA students are also ineligible for federal or state financial aid. Other states that are also prohibiting in-state tuition for Dreamers are Georgia and Indiana, Alabama and South Carolina has completely banned DACA students from enrolling in any public postsecondary institution. Since this has been happening, other states including Utah have allowed public universities to use private sources of funding to support financial aid to unauthorized immigrant students. In Connecticut, they are currently offering scholarships through the Dream.UsScholarship program to DACA students from states that have banned in-state tuition eligibility.


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