
Showing posts from March, 2018

ICE used private facebook data to track suspected illegal immigrants

In an article posted yesterday, ICE has apparently been using and relied on Facebook data to find and track immigrants that are suspected of being in the U.S illegally. Ice has used backend Facebook data to determine when the account of the person in question was accessed and if the IP adresses corresponds to each login. ICE agents have reportedly combined this data with other routinely used records like phone records to pinpoint people's locations. Facebook is already in a scandal with Cambridge Analytica, a firm that controls data because apparently, Cambridge Analytica misused Facebook's data of 50 million users to develop the software that the Trump campaign used to target voters in the 2016 election. The article also says that the use of Facebook's data is not illegal. Facebook responded and said that "ICE sent valid legal process to us in an investigation said to involove an active chid predator". Facebook also denies that the data was used to identify an

Groups allege ICE is targeting immigration activists

An article I found that was posted on Sunday talked about how immigration activists are accusing ICE of targeting them. Specific groups including the American Civil Liberties Union told the NPR that they could identify 20 instances were immigration activists or volunteers were arrested or fined by ICE. The activists and volunteers claimed that the agency only became aware of them because of their activism. A quote from an activist, Zully Rodrigues that was caught by ICE said, "We're always at the marches and giving interviews, without fear of what could happen, so to go against us is a way to intimidate the community. Since this has been happening, immigration groups sued ICE in February for allegedly targeting immigration activists for possible deportation. I feel like ICE is going after activists and volunteers because those activists have some sort of power within their community, and ICE wants to take their power away. Activists are brave and have the courage to speak ou

ICE spokesman quits his job

In a recent article, a spokesman, James Schwab for Immigration and Customs Enforcement in San Francisco resigned because of how the Trump administration is handling the immigrant raids in the Bay Area. He told the San Francisco Chronicle that the administration officials, and Trump had "grossly exaggerated the number of undocumented immigrants who avoided arrest after Oakland's mayor tipped off the public before raids began on February 25th". He also said, "I quit because I didn't want to perpetuate misleading facts". "I asked them to change the information. I told them that the information was wrong, they asked me to deflect, and I didn't agree with that. Then I took some time and I quit". Schwab also added that they were not going to be able to capture 100 percent of the target list. Schwab also told CNN that he could no longer "bear the burden- continuing on as a representative of the agency and charged with upholding integrity, knowing